Animation shown in the chat with the
bot if the chat is empty; may be null.
Game animation; may be null.
The animation description.
Animation file; may be null.
Promotion animation for the feature.
Message content; may be null.
Web App animation; may be null.
Preview of the content as an animation,
if available; may be null.
Represents a list of animations.
BotInfo(String shortDescription,
String description,
TdApi.Photo photo,
TdApi.Animation animation,
TdApi.BotMenuButton menuButton,
TdApi.BotCommand[] commands,
TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights defaultGroupAdministratorRights,
TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights defaultChannelAdministratorRights,
TdApi.InternalLinkType editCommandsLink,
TdApi.InternalLinkType editDescriptionLink,
TdApi.InternalLinkType editDescriptionMediaLink,
TdApi.InternalLinkType editSettingsLink)
Contains information about a bot.
Represents an animation file.
An animation message (GIF-style).
Describes a promotion animation for
a Premium feature.
An animation message (GIF-style).
WebPage(String url,
String displayUrl,
String type,
String siteName,
String title,
TdApi.FormattedText description,
TdApi.Photo photo,
String embedUrl,
String embedType,
int embedWidth,
int embedHeight,
int duration,
String author,
TdApi.Animation animation,
TdApi.Audio audio,
TdApi.Document document,
TdApi.Sticker sticker,
TdApi.Video video,
TdApi.VideoNote videoNote,
TdApi.VoiceNote voiceNote,
int instantViewVersion)
Describes a web page preview.